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Interview with journalist Ronen Bergman after his Mossad report in NY times

After the important repercussion that had the note published by the New York Times on the report of the Mossad detailing what happened in the attacks in Argentina in the 1990s, its author Ronen Bergman agreed to talk to the AJN Agency in order to know details of this publication. Ronen is a prestigious journalist, a very informed professional on issues of terrorism and military intelligence and the Mossad report, quoted by the NYT, is the result of many years of investigations carried out by this Israeli intelligence agency.




Agencia AJN (By Daniel Berliner*).-

Agencia AJN.  As you may already know, your article generated a lot of commotion in Argentina and some misinterpretation, what do you think about this?

Ronen Bergman: It is not for me to discuss other publication. I’ll be happy to discuss the NYTimes story.

AJN. Could you at least tell us what your note essentially wanted to convey?

The Mossad believes that Iran approved and funded the attacks, supplied training and equipment. The operation itself, on the ground, was executed by a secret Hezbollah unit called 910. Also, and very important are Mossad’s finding that the perpelrtrators were not abetted knowingly by any Argentine citizens or officials.

AJN. To be clear, the perpetrators of the attacks in Buenos Aires were members of Hezbollah.

That’s right, the perpetrators who came to Buenos Aires to carry out the attacks were Hezbollah operatives, and what has been done now, as a result of information that has been received in recent years, is to understand what really happened in the attacks.

AJN.- Could you tell us who was involved?

In the Mossad report there are names of many people, people who are alive today, found refuge in Beirut and even rose through the ranks within Hezbollah. Against some of them the Interpol issued a Red Notice, some not, and they were involved in the attack itself, in Buenos Aires.

Mossad also quoted information came from prosecutor Alberto Nisman’s materials refering to the decision-making process between Iran and Hezbollah.

AJN. In Argentina, it was surprising that the report talks about the non-participation of a local connection.

When the Mossad says that there was no local connection, this refers to the direct involvement of government officials or Argentine citizens in the two terrorist attacks. The Mossad did not investigate everything that happened after the attack, including various accusations against local government officials for helping to cover up the investigation or disrupting it.  If there were any Argentine citizens who rented a vehicle or had an interaction with the Lebanese, according to Mossad, they had no knowledge that they were helping Hezbollah in a future attack. Therefore, according to the Mossad’s investigation, whoever sold the cars used for the attacks to Hezbollah did not do so knowingly and no evidence was found that extremist nationalists in the local government aided the attack.

Let me point out that the AMIA bombing, was one of the deadliest anti-Semitic attack in the world since the end of World War II.

AJN. How would you define Hezbollah?

It is an organization that was created in 1982 by the Iranian regime, through the Revolutionary Guard and since it was founded it has been influenced by Iran, which finances political, military and social activity. Hezbollah is an organization that functions as a state within a state in Lebanon, Hezbollah’s activity requires a lot of money and resources. For a long time, although Iran spoke about its support for Hezbollah, it did not recognize that it helped in military matters, but in recent years it began to do so and today it expresses it clearly.

AJN. Are Hezbollah and Iran two sides of the same coin?

Iran’s support for Hezbollah, unlike other organizations that Tehran supports, such as the Palestinian movements Hamas or Islamic Jihad, is very different. Hezbollah’s existence as the main political, social and military force in Lebanon is dependant on Iran. Iran and Hezbollah are Shiites and for this reason there are not only closeness of interests, but a much deeper issue, I would say that they see each other as very close and trusted allay. While Hezbollah leaders received religious education in the same religious institutes as the ones from Iran and the Lebanese organization shares the same political ideology as Iran.

*Director of AJN News Agency.

Collaboration of Fernando Olschansky and Martín Solzi for English and Hebrew translation.

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Casa Blanca. Argentina, Brasil, Colombia, EE.UU. y otros 14 países llamaron a la inmediata liberación de los rehenes israelíes de Hamás en Gaza





Agencia AJN/Itongadol.- Declaración conjunta de los líderes de los Estados Unidos, Argentina, Austria, Brasil, Bulgaria, Canadá, Colombia, Dinamarca, Francia, Alemania, Hungría, Polonia, Portugal, Rumania, Serbia, España, Tailandia y Gran Bretaña llamando a la liberación de los rehenes retenidos en Gaza:

«Llamamos a la inmediata liberación de todos los rehenes retenidos por Hamás en Gaza durante más de 200 días. Incluyen a nuestros propios ciudadanos. El destino de los rehenes y de la población civil en Gaza, que están protegidos por el derecho internacional, es motivo de preocupación internacional.

Enfatizamos que el acuerdo sobre la mesa para liberar a los rehenes traería un alto el fuego inmediato y prolongado en Gaza que facilitaría la búsqueda de asistencia humanitaria adicional necesaria para ser entregada en toda Gaza y llevaría a un fin creíble de las hostilidades. Los gazatíes podrían retornar a sus hogares y sus tierras con preparativos de antemano para garantizarles refugio y provisiones humanitarias.

Apoyamos fuertemente los esfuerzos de mediación en curso a fin de traer a nuestra gente a casa. Reiteramos nuestro llamado a Hamás para que libere a los rehenes y nos permita terminar esta crisis de modo que colectivamente podamos enfocar nuestros esfuerzos en llevar paz y estabilidad a la región.»

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El Parlamento de la UE vota a favor de una resolución contra Irán





Agencia AJN.- El parlamento de la UE votó a favor de condenar a Irán, mostrando su apoyo a Israel y reconociendo el papel que desempeña Irán en la desestabilización de la región.

En una votación sin precedentes, el Parlamento Europeo aprobó el jueves una resolución contra la República Islámica de Irán.

La resolución condenó a Irán por su ataque a Israel y reforzó el compromiso europeo con la seguridad del Estado de Israel.

El Ministro de Asuntos Exteriores israelí, Israel Katz, elogió al Parlamento Europeo por su voto a favor de una resolución. Esto sigue a la decisión del lunes pasado de la Unión Europea de sancionar a Irán para reducir la producción de misiles y drones.

«Otro éxito político israelí y otro golpe a Irán», afirmó Katz. «Estamos apretando el cuello del pulpo iraní. El mundo entiende que es necesario detener a Irán ahora, antes de que sea demasiado tarde».

La resolución fue aprobada por una amplia mayoría de 357 a favor y 20 en contra.

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