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Interview with the future Argentine ambassador in Israel: «Despite the adverse conditions, Israel is one of the most advanced countries in the world»

AJN Agency.- In an exclusive interview with the AJN Agency, Mariano Caucino referred to his expectations as future ambassador, to the possible visit of Mauricio Macri to Israel and gave his opinion on the relations between both countries, the AMIA case and the death of Nisman.



embajador arg

AJN Agency.- The new Argentine ambassador to Israel, Mariano Caucino, said in an interview with AJN Agency that despite the «adverse conditions», Israel «has achieved an admirable level of development and is one of the most advanced countries in the world».

Mariano Caucino was born in Buenos Aires in 1976. He is a lawyer graduated from the UBA and founder and director of the School of Government of the UCES. In addition, he is a professor of Argentine Political History and Foreign Policy and a member of the Argentine Council for International Relations (CARI). In 2016 he was named Argentine ambassador in Costa Rica.

The new diplomat will replace Carlos Faustino García, who has been in office since August 2011.

In the interview, he referred to the frequent attacks that were perpetrated in the world and stressed that «the Argentine government has expressed its absolute rejection of all forms of violence and these criminal acts against human dignity.»

Also, regarding the AMIA case and the investigation of the death of the prosecutor Alberto Nisman, he stressed that «the Government will not interfere with the Justice or influence so that the causes go to one side or the other».

He also evaluated the relations between both countries and the possible visit of Mauricio Macri to Israel.

-What is your expectation for the role of ambassador that you will assume soon?
-An ambassador is the representative of the Argentine State, the Argentine government and the Argentine people. Therefore, the mission i have is to carry the message of friendship and respect for a country for which Argentina feels admiration and with which we share values. They are respect for human dignity, human rights and the promotion of those values. On the other hand, also the recognition of a country that in adverse conditions, even from the geographical and historical point of view, has achieved an admirable level of development and is one of the most advanced countries in the world.

-Netanyahu highlighted the importance of Latin America for Israel. What does it mean for you to take part in this new stage in diplomatic relations?
-We see with great joy that situation. A few days ago, at a conference given by Prime Minister Netanyahu in London, he said it was the first time that an Israeli leader traveled to the southern United States. That implies a great openness and it is a personal effort of a leader like him to make a trip of such magnitude, of such length, visiting both Argentina and other countries in the region. This gives a boost and recognition to the Jewish communities that exist in our countries and to the friendship that exists between our peoples. We see it with great expectation. It is a great opportunity and we hope that it will be reinforced with visits from both sides and that Latin America will be an important scenario for the deployment and international projection of a country like Israel.

-What is your opinion about the large number of attacks that have been provoking in recent times, many of them in Europe?
-On the attacks that took place in Europe, the US and other countries of the Middle East, as in Turkey, recently and often unfortunately, the Argentine government has expressed its absolute rejection of all forms of violence and these criminal acts against dignity human I hope that each of the countries and the international community can find the guilty, judge them, condemn them and try to prevent these situations from happening again. Unfortunately, we know that terrorism is something that exists and that unfortunately is not over or will end quickly. Argentina, moreover, is a country that has suffered in the flesh two terrible attacks against the Argentine people, in the first place, and against Israeli institutions, which constitute attacks against humanity. They were held in Buenos Aires but they are still part of a wave of very serious attacks that have taken place in the world in recent decades. To which we must add this new trend that there are attacks carried out almost individually and with a low cost in the operative. This makes prevention very difficult, because they practically act with very low cost, with high impact and danger, as demonstrated in the last attack that took place last week in New York, which unfortunately killed eight people and of which five oh them were Argentines.

-In the first meeting between Netanyahu and Macri in Davos, there was a strong commitment to work together in the clarification of the attacks and the death of Nisman. What is your reflection on this?
-The Government, as stated by Macri in Davos in January 2016, has the vocation to let the Justice act, investigate, clarify the cases in the shortest time possible and that those responsible be found, tried and convicted. Both the material authors and the intellectuals of those events, both in their local manifestations – that is, in Argentina – or in other countries. I know that the Government will not interfere with Justice or influence so that the causes go one way or the other. Unfortunately that happened in the past and they are painful, negative stages. The learning of Argentina has to be not repeat it. The Argentine government’s commitment is to allow the Justice to act in the resolution of those three cases that shocked Argentina, which damaged the international reputation of Argentina and that especially harmed the image of the country in what happened next. Because ultimately, the attacks are part of a tragedy that exists in the current world of violence. That of course you have to try to avoid it and fight it. But once they occur, and regrettably more and more often even in highly developed and secure countries such as the United States, what is additionally serious is the lack of judicial resolution and interference in the same.

-Netanyahu expressed interest that Macri visit Israel. Do you think that this visit will be possible in 2018?
-It is a will, but it does not have a date yet. We will work on being able to do it as soon as possible. Hopefully it is possible in 2018.

– What expectations do you have in the commercial exchange that can be generated between Argentina and Israel?
-The vocation of the Argentine government is to promote commercial relations and ensure that Argentine products are more present throughout the world. And also regarding the export of services. In that the Government has a permanent vocation and the ambassadors have the instruction to do, so i tried to do it in Costa Rica and I will do it without any doubt in Israel.

-Did you previously visit Israel?
-I went to Israel in 2011, on a trip with a group of university authorities. We visited the Ben-Gurion University, in a geographically complicated area, but where an extraordinary technological advance had been achieved. It really impacted me. Afterwards we visited Tel Aviv, Jeruslaem and also visited the south of the country, Eilat. It was a trip that I always remember as one of the most interesting that I did.

– What is the message for the Argentines who live in Israel a few days of traveling there?
-To the community of Argentines in Israel, of course, i express my interest in making contact with them as soon as possible. I do not know exactly the date on which i will travel, it will be in the coming months, and it will be a pleasure to meet with the Argentine communities while abroad. It has an additional feeling to meet the people of your country abroad. It has happened to me in Costa Rica and I am sure we will feel the same feeling in Israel. And maybe even more, because it is a more distant country geographically. When you meet Argentines far away, that feeling emerges and is an almost immediate friendship.

– Shortly after the 70th anniversary of the Independence of Israel. What does it mean to participate in this event?
-It is a very happy coincidence for me to be present at that moment. It is going to be an event with characteristics of reaffirmation of the will and commitment of the international community in recognition of the rights of the Jewish people to finally have a State, after an endless struggle and demand for that reality that exists today. It is a source of pride for the whole of humanity to see how a people have that will to be, to exist and to live in respect and harmony with others. I think it exceeds that situation for Israel and the Jewish people. I think it is a manifestation of the best of humanity.

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AMIA: Irán calificó como ilegal el pedido argentino para arrestar al ministro del Interior buscado por la Justicia

Agencia AJN.- La Cancillería solicitó la detención internacional de Ahmad Vahidi en el marco de los viajes oficiales que el funcionario realizó a Pakistán y Sri Lanka.




Vahidi Ahmad

Agencia AJN.- Irán consideró “ilegal” la orden de captura solicitada por Argentina contra el ministro del Interior Ahmad Vahidi por su participación en el atentado de 1994 a la AMIA, que dejó 85 muertos.

Según reprodujo la agencia internacional de noticias AFP, la República Islámica aseguró a través del portavoz de la Cancillería, Nasser Kanani, que la petición del gobierno argentino se basa en “mentiras” de los jueces que intervinieron en el caso.

Sin embargo, hay pruebas contundentes contra Vahidi y el resto de los acusados. El 12 de abril, la justicia argentina determinó que los atentados a la embajada de Israel en 1992 y a la mutual judía fueron ordenados por Irán e instrumentados por Hezbollah.

En ese contexto, la Cancillería recordó que existe alertas vigentes de Interpol para la detención internacional de Vahidi, quien se encuentra cumpliendo funciones para el gobierno y recientemente viajó a junto al presidente iraní a Pakistan. El viaje continuará en Sri Lanka aunque ya sin Vahidi en la delegación.

Una vez publicado el reclamo argentino, la agencia oficial de noticias iraní IRNA informó que Vahidi había regresado a Irán el martes para asistir a una ceremonia de investidura de un gobernador provincial.

Como Irán no acata las órdenes de detención emitidas por la justicia argentina e Interpol, la única oportunidad que tiene la Argentina de lograr las capturas es cuando los acusados salen del país.

En 2006, tribunales argentinos pidieron la extradición de ocho iraníes, entre ellos el expresidente Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, el exagregado cultural de Irán en Buenos Aires, Mohsen Rabbani, y Vahidi, quien fue ministro de Defensa durante la presidencia de Mahmud Ahmadinejad.

Luego de ocupar este cargo en Defensa, el teniente general Vahidi fue nombrado ministro del Interior en 2021. Pero para el momento del ataque de Buenos Aires, el funcionario era comandante de la Fuerza Quds, la unidad de operaciones encubiertas de la Guardia Revolucionaria Islámica.

Ayer, la Cancillería argentina, recordó que Vahidi continúa cumpliendo funciones para el gobierno con total impunidad.

“Este individuo es actualmente ministro del Interior de la República Islámica de Irán e integra una comitiva gubernamental que se encuentra en Pakistán y Sri Lanka en estos días. En ese marco, a pedido de las autoridades argentinas, la oficina Central de Interpol con sede en Lyon emitió una Circular Roja para su detención. Con motivo de su viaje, Argentina ha solicitado a los gobiernos de Pakistán y Sri Lanka su detención de acuerdo a los mecanismos previstos por Interpol”, indica el texto difundido por el Gobierno.

Además, se informó que “paralelamente al trabajo que están haciendo el Ministerio de Seguridad y la Cancillería Argentina con la intervención de las Embajadas de nuestro país en Pakistán y la India, la Oficina Central Nacional Buenos Aires (OCN) de Interpol de la Policía Federal Argentina pidió a su contraparte OCN Islamabad que proceda a la detención preventiva del causante con fines de extradición a la Argentina”.

Vahidi, además de haber sido uno de los autores intelectuales del atentado, habría participado en una supuesta reunión en 1993 en la ciudad iraní de Mahshad, en la que, según la UFI AMIA, se habría decidido el atentado.

“No se limitó a participar pasivamente del cónclave, sino que además cumplió un rol protagónico al proponer que nuestro país fuera el objetivo del ataque. Su sugerencia tuvo éxito ya que, efectivamente, dicha propuesta fue la que se sometió a examen del Comité de Asuntos Especiales”, dice el dictamen firmado en 2006 por el fiscal Alberto Nisman.

Fuente: Infobae.

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Canciller israelí agradeció al presidente, Javier Milei, y a la cancillería argentina por solicitar el arresto de Ahmad Vahidi

Agencia AJN.- El canciller israelí, Israel Katz, agradeció al gobierno argentinopor pedir la detención de Ahmad Vahidi a quien acusó de «asesino y un terrorista»




WhatsApp Image 2024-04-24 at 1.01.28 PM

Agencia AJN.- Recientemente, la cancillería argentina presentó una solicitud oficial para detener al ministro del Interior iraní y ex comandante de la Fuerza Quds, Ahmad Vahidi, por su participación en el atentado contra la AMIA de 1994.

El Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores, Israel Katz, agradeció el llamado de la Cancillería argentina para arrestar a Ahmad Vahidi, acusándolo de ser responsable del ataque al edificio de la comunidad judía en 1994.

«El Ministro del Interior iraní es un asesino y un terrorista» Expresó el canciller.

«Gracias al presidente Javier Milei y a la canciller Diana Mondino por el pedido de emitir una orden para su detención por el atentado contra la comunidad judía (AMIA) – un pedido que fortalece a las comunidades judías y a los familiares de las víctimas y envía un mensaje claro: el mundo libre está decidido a detener al régimen terrorista iraní y a Jamenei (Itamar Eichner)»

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